Trajan tanks being dropped from orbit. (Original miniature by Daniel Cleyne)

The TrajanĀ“s vehicle sheet from the Centurion boardgame.
Like all TOG grav combat vehicles, the Trajan is named after a legendary warrior or important political personage. Though many take their names from ancient Roman warriors or leaders, the Trajan honours the more contemporary martial idol and almost mythological founder of the Terran Republic, Alexander Trajan.

The TrajanĀ“s design specs from the Centurion boardgameĀ“s Legions sourcebook.
Design Philosophy and Tactical Role[]
The Trajan was introduced in 6781 and used extensively during the last major KessRith campaign. The dual anti-personnel laser systems reflect TOGĀ“s response to KessRith infantry tactics of the day. Though the Vulcan and painting laser systems were state-of-the-art in 6781, they are almost comically large and bulky compared to the smaller blister-enclosed systems now in use. Another criticism is that the tank mounts a massive TVLG 12 system rather than using two smaller TVLG 6s to lower the probability of losing all short-ranged missiles to one lucky hit.
The Trajan is nevertheless an effective, even deadly vehicle. Though TOG designers are looking into exchanging one of the AP laser systems for a more capable offensive weapon, they have not yet commissioned any new heavy tank designs. The Trajan is expected to see continued service in TOG.

A Trajan in combat. (Picture from the Centurion Technical Update sourcebook.)
Legionnaire RPG values: Trajan Standard Variant[]
Hit Location | Sub-Location | Damage Boxes / Damage |
[1] Structure | - | [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][] |
[2] Commander | - | [] |
[3] Shields | - | [][][][][] [][][][] |
[4] Engines / Thrust | - | [][][][] ::: Thrust 4 |
[5] Armour | - | [][][][][] [][][][] |
[6] Pilot | - | [] |
[7] Weapon Computers | - | [][][][] |
[8] Sensors | - | [][][] |
[9] Gunner | - | [] |
[10] Weapons | [1] 7.5/6 Laser | Damage 8 |
- | [2] 7.5/6 Laser | Damage 8 |
- | [3] 200mm Gauss | Damage 20 |
- | [4] TVLG-12 | Damage 10 / missile |
[5] SMLM-2 | Damage 20 / missile | |
[6] AP Laser | 4 (only usable against infantry) | |
[7] AP Laser | 4 (only usable against infantry) | |
- | [8] Vulcan-4 | * |

Cutaway view of the Trajan from the cover of the Centurion Vehicle Briefing.