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Fighter RL SpaceGull3

Cut-away view of the Space Gull from the Interceptor rulebook.

Fighter RL SpaceGull wreckage

A Space Gull flying through the wreckage of a major naval battle.

The Space Gull is a medium Commonwealth and Renegade fighter. With no atmospheric capability, it is usually employed in deep space operations and the fighter screens of capital ship squadrons.


Legionnaire RPG Values: Space Gull Standard Variant[]

Hit Location Sub-Location Damage Boxes / Damage
[1] Structure - [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][]
[2] FTL Drive - None
[3] Shields - [][][][]
[4] Engines / Thrust - [][][][][] [] ::: Thrust 6 g
[5] Armour - [][][][][] [][]
[6] Crew Pilot [][][][][]
[7] Weapon Computers - [][][][]
[8] Sensors - [][][]
[9] Life Support - [][][]
[10] Weapons [1] EPC-14 Damage 5
- [2] EPC-14 Damage 5
- [3] MDC-8 Damage 5
- [4] MDC-8 Damage 5
- [5] Hardpoint *
