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Fighter RL Avenger Slingshot

The Slingshot, as presented in the Renegade Legions Fighter Briefing.

Production History[]

The first reported use of the Slingshot was in 6827, by the 721st Interceptor Wing. The TOG Imperial Navy had deployed three new squadrons of Gladius fighters to their sector, and the 721st was taking heavy losses due to missile fire. After losing three wingmen to TOG missiles, Flight Sergeant Jonatha Jenkins made an unauthorized field modification to her Avenger. With the help of her ground crew, she stripped out the Avenger's mass drivers and EPCs, and jury-rigged it to carry eight missiles. Excess power was shunted to the shields. She also replaced her 5/4 lasers with a pair of 7.5/6s stolen from a Pegasus Corvette that was in drydock. On her next mission, Flight Sergeant Jenkins was credited with three Gladius kills.

Rather then being disciplined for her unauthorized modifications or her thefts, Sergeant Jenkins was commended and her Slingshot design forwarded to the Joint Commonwealth / Renegade Fighter Operations Board (JCRFOB). The JCROFB has evaluated the new modification and has placed it into general production.

Design Philosophy and Tactical Role[]

The Slingshot mounts eight hardpoints, three more than the Gladius. It also carries two 7.5/6 heavy lasers as secondary weapons. The Slingshot is as well-armored as an Avenger and has an increased shield flicker rate. While the fighter cannot quite match the acceleration of the Spiculum, it can exceed that of the Gladius.

Once the missiles are expended, the Slingshot can only defend itself with its two heavy lasers. Like the Imperial Navy, the Commonwealth has deemed that this disadvantage is more than compensated for by the increased short term firepower.