Sergeant Honor Ross in bounce infantry H-Plate body armour. (Picture: fanart.)
Sergeant Honor Ross is an infantry squad leader in the 2031st Commonwealth Strike Legion and is one of the protagonists of the novels Damned If We Do... and Frost Death by Peter Rice. She is described as a capable, tough and resourceful leader with a talent for motivating her men without undue force. In Frost Death, her intense loyalty to her men leaves her in a dilemma as she is sent on scouting mission after scouting mission and forced to leave them alone defending their positions against advancing TOG penal infantry.
While she readily acknowledges superior rank (as evidenced in Damned..., where she places her squad under Optio Karstil's command), she proves able to think on her feet and act independently and decisively when separated from her unit in Frost Death.
Ross becomes friends with Sergeant Lucifer K. Mullins and (of sorts) with the Baufrin Archon Divxas, and develops a romantic relationship with fellow soldier Roglund Karstil.