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Fighter RL Penetrator2

Penetrators attacking a capital ship on the cover of The Wake of the Kraken scenario book.

Fighter RL Penetrator

The Penetrator´s cut-away view presented in the Interceptor rulebook.

The Penetrator is a medium fighter in use with the Commonwealth and the Renegade Legions.

Design Philosophy and Tactical Role[]

As the standard Commonwealth medium fighter, the Penetrator is deployed in attack, interception and reconnaissance squadrons. Its standard weapons loadout consists of two 16-aperture Neutron particle cannon (NPC-16) mounted high on the upper wings and two heavy Electron particle cannon (EPC-14) carried on the tips of the outer wings. This flexible armament means the fighter is as comfortable engaging enemy craft at range as in a close-in brawl. Against enemies with short-range armament, the high acceleration lets the Penetrator keep a comfortable distance and damage the enemy with long-range NPC fire without exposing itself to danger. A single hardpoint carries either a missile or an ECM pod for anti-missile defense.

Because of its lack of lasers or other high-penetration weapons, the Penetrator does not speculate on an early lucky hit disabling systems on an enemy fighter, instead whittling down the enemy armour methodically. It is best used in conjunction with other, laser-armed fighters to undercut armour on enemy craft.

The characteristic diamond-shaped wing configuration provides the Penetrator with excellent atmospheric flight capability and helps shed excess heat (heat buildup always being a major problem for craft as small as starfighters). It cuts down rear visibility from the cockpit, though, so the pilot has to rely on aft cameras if tailed.

The Penetrator is a fine all-round fighter, but some pilots are concerned about the thin side armour. Since the fighter was conceived for pursuit and quick in-and-out strikes, the front and rear - those sides exposed to fire when closing and retreating - are the most heavily armoured areas. Though well-shielded, the side armour is capable of absorbing much less damage. A single solid hit in the side from a Pilum or Verutum can seriously damage or destroy the fighter. Because of this weakness, most Penetrator pilots use high speed hit-and-run tactics rather than engaging in protracted dogfights.


Legionnaire RPG Values: Penetrator Standard Variant[]

Hit Location Sub-Location Damage Boxes / Damage
[1] Structure - [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][]
[2] FTL Drive - None
[3] Shields - [][][][][] []
[4] Engines / Thrust - [][][][][] [][] ::: Thrust 7 g
[5] Armour - [][][][][] [][]
[6] Crew Pilot [][][][][]
[7] Weapon Computers - [][][][]
[8] Sensors - [][][]
[9] Life Support - [][][]
[10] Weapons [1] EPC 14 Damage 6
- [2] EPC 14 Damage 6
- [3] NPC 16 Damage 5
- [4] NPC 16 Damage 5
- [5] Hardpoint *


Leviathan Values: Penetrator[]

Fighter RL Penetrator Spic

A Penetrator taking a missile hit to its side armour from a Spiculum.

Fighter RL Penetrator modern CW

The Penetrator is not really suited to go into the thick of a melée between capital ships and their accompanying fighter complements. Its side armour is too thin for it to last long in a furball where fire comes from all directions. Where it excels is in raiding missions, transported into a system by a carrier vessel and making a high-speed pass at an installation or planetary target. Its atmospheric capability makes it a favoured fighter for planetary raids.

Group (72 Fighters) Armour Missile Attack Value CRA LRA Thrust
Armour Row 6 [][][][][][] [][][][][][] [][][][][]- - 50 108 86 7
Armour Row 5 [][][][][][] [][][][][][] [][]-- - 90 72 -
Armour Row 4 [][][][][][] [][][][][]- - - 72 58 -
Armour Row 3 [][][][][][] [][][]- - 54 43 -
Armour Row 2 [][][][][][] []- - 36 29 -
Armour Row 1 [][][][][]- - 18 14 -
Flight (24 Fighters) Armour Missile Attack Value CRA LRA Thrust
Armour Row 3 [][][][][][] [][][]- 0 36 29 9
Armour Row 2 [][][][][][] []- - 24 19 -
Armour Row 1 [][][][][]- - 12 10 -
Squadron (6 Fighters) Armour Missile Attack Value CRA LRA Thrust
Armour Row 1 [][][][][]- 0 9 7 11
Single Fighter Values Armour Missile Hardpoints CRA LRA Thrust
Penetrator 88 1 30 24 7
Fighter RL Penetrator Kenderson

Six Penetrators accompanying a squadron of Kendersons (middle) and stripped-down Defenders (right).


Variant: High Thrust Modification[]

Ground crews can quickly remove the two Neutron particle cannon mounted high on the upper wings, and replace them with missile hardpoints. A simple compensator module re-routes the power from the NPC nacelles and balances out the shifted center of gravity. With this modification, the Penetrator loses half its firepower and all ability to hurt an enemy at range with its conventional armament, but it gains a significant increase in thrust (9g) and the capability to deliver three missiles.

The high-thrust modification is usually done in preparation for reconnaissance or quick strike missions. Recon Penetrators carry sensor pods and ECM, while strike Penetrators are armed with RIS or SSS missiles.


Legionnaire RPG Values: Penetrator High Thrust Modification[]

Hit Location Sub-Location Damage Boxes / Damage
[1] Structure - [][][][][] [][][][][]
[2] FTL Drive - None
[3] Shields - [][][][][] []
[4] Engines / Thrust - [][][][][] [][][][] ::: Thrust 9 g
[5] Armour - [][][][][] [][]
[6] Crew Pilot [][][][][]
[7] Weapon Computers - [][][][]
[8] Sensors - [][][]
[9] Life Support - [][][]
[10] Weapons [1] EPC 14 Damage 6
- [2] EPC 14 Damage 6
- [3] Hardpoint *
- [4] Hardpoint *
- [5] Hardpoint *


Leviathan Values: Penetrator High Thrust Modification[]

Fighter RL Penetrator3

Penetrators on the attack. Source: Prefect rulebook.

Fighter RL Penetrator modern RL1
Fighter RL Penetrator modern RL2

Commonwealth and Renegade Penetrators, top view.

Line Combat Missions[]

The added missile payload makes high-thrust Penetrators in sufficient numbers a danger to capital ships. After the missile salvo is fired, the fighter has little left in the way of armament, and its dogfighting ability against other fighter groups is severely curtailed. Ships that carry high-thrust Penetrators use them as a one-shot missile delivery platform, usually in flights of 24, but do not expect them to contribute much to the battle afterward.

Raiding Missions[]

This is where the high-thrust variant excels. The increased thrust and payload enables the fighter to make a quick pass at a stationary target, fire a salvo of missiles, and slingshot around a large stellar object to accelerate outsystem and rendezvous with its carrier. This kind of daring strike is the lifeblood of Renegade fighter pilots, who know they must constantly outmaneuver the numerically superior enemy and hit their vulnerable logistics train.

Group (72 Fighters) Armour Missile Attack Value CRA LRA Thrust
Armour Row 6 [][][][][][] [][][][][][] [][][][][]- - 100 101 22 9
Armour Row 5 [][][][][][] [][][][][][] [][]-- - 84 18 -
Armour Row 4 [][][][][][] [][][][][]- - - 67 14 -
Armour Row 3 [][][][][][] [][][]- - 50 11 -
Armour Row 2 [][][][][][] []- - 34 7 -
Armour Row 1 [][][][][]- - 17 4 -
Flight (24 Fighters) Armour Missile Attack Value CRA LRA Thrust
Armour Row 3 [][][][][][] [][][]- 50 34 7 11
Armour Row 2 [][][][][][] []- - 22 5 -
Armour Row 1 [][][][][]- - 11 2 -
Squadron (6 Fighters) Armour Missile Attack Value CRA LRA Thrust
Armour Row 1 [][][][][]- 10 8 2 13
Single Fighter Values Armour Missile Hardpoints CRA LRA Thrust
Penetrator (High Thrust Modification) 88 3 28 6 9
