TOG ACADEMY: the Renegade Legion Wiki

Taubitz is the only continent on Olisipio. It is a flattened oval surrounding the Sea of Taubitz. This sea's sole exit to Oso, The Great Sea, is through a narrow strait between Trent and York.

Olisipio is a cold world with little orbital tilt or seasonal variation. Its only hospitable terrain is along the Sea of Taubitz, where temperatures are cold but tolerable. Elsewhere, this world is almost totally given to frequent ice and snow storms.

The few forests on Olisipio consist mostly of short deciduous trees and thick, brushy growth. These areas are prime hunting grounds for both native and imported game.The mountains are low, with snow-filled valleys. Precious metals have recently been found in the peaks just north of Freea.

Early History[]

During the early years of Baufrin expansion, Olisipio was named Killie Bath-Mordi (Ice Yet No Drink). Resort developers settled the world, touting its fishing and hunting opportunities. With the creation of the Commonwealth, Human and Naram facilities were added along the Sea of Taubitz shore.

In 5010, the KessRith invaded Olisipio, almost a full decade after the Snow Plague first reached the planet. They did not find an organized society, but instead small bands of Baufrin roaming the world, eking out a meager existence. Humans that had survived the plague had turned savage. The world was barely civilized.

Three KessRith clans eventually settled on Olisipio, exporting the large fish caught in the inland sea. The KessRith renamed the world Trosi and within several hundred years had several thriving settlements on the planet. They captured and enslaved the savage Humans and Baufrin, whose numbers slowly increased until the Humans were more numerous than their KessRith masters.

In the 65th century, Humans and Baufrin began a guerrilla war of sabotage against the KessRith. Equipment and transportation systems, vital on this desolate world, became their prey. Though most of these attacks were minor, they were a constant irritant to the KessRith.

A hundred years later, in 6580, Olisipio existed in a state of civil war, with the Commonwealth-backed rebels holding the territory around the inland sea of Taubitz and the KessRith attacking from the colder, less hospitable regions to the north and south. The world's small industrial base was in shambles. Because Olisipio had no strategic importance to the KessRith clan leaders, it was receiving no reinforcements.

The peace treaty between the Commonwealth and the KessRith Empire ended a stagnating war that seemed to promise no winner. The treaty specified that the KessRith could stay, but few chose to remain on this frigid world.

Recent Events[]

The Commonwealth knew that the four TOG legions dug into Ancona would be difficult to destroy, but their supply line to other TOG worlds was vulnerable. The Sheppard Naval Base on Donnia, here in the Talisi system, was a potent base for Commonwealth strikes. Raids against TOG convoys fighting their way to Ancona were frequent and somewhat successful.

Unfortunately, the same base turned this relatively isolated world into TOG's second target in Shannedam County. The initial TOG strike force consisted of the 20405th Carrier Strike Wing, to suppress Commonwealth Interceptors from the Sheppard Naval Base, and the 11085th Strike Legion (The Black Asps). While the naval base was occupied, the Black Asps landed outside both York and Trent on 13 June 6812.

The battle for Olisipio was vicious. TOG grav armor would often perform erratically or not at all in the bitter cold. The defending Commonwealth ground force was the 1086th Renegade Legion, with the 1024th Defense Wing defending Sheppard Naval Base. Despite the constant harassment by the 20405th Carrier Wing, the Sheppard Base force was able to pin down the TOG ground troops after they had landed.

Sheppard Naval Base fell when the TOG Carrier Group was reinforced by the Mars Class Battleship Fairfield's Terror. While taking heavy damage, this ship launched an all-out assault that destroyed the base. In response, the Commonwealth deployed the 672nd Minerva Pursuit Wing to ground bases on Olisipio in support of the 1086th.

With Trent and York under their control, the Black Asps slowly made their way along both shores of the Taubitz Sea. The 1086th concentrated its forces on the northern side of the continent, fighting a prolonged delaying campaign from the mountain ranges.

Bombarding the Renegade Legion, the TOG forces made use of their space supremacy. The legion's mobility and the protection of the 672nd was all that saved it on several occasions. By late October the Commonwealth controlled such a small portion of Olisipio that it was only a matter of time before the world would fall. the CAF commanders decided to break out the 672nd Wing and the remnants of the 1086th Legion.

A squadron of ships was hastily assembled and launched into the star system to retrieve these battle-weary units on 10 November. It drove the TOG Navy into temporary retreat, long enough to load the 672nd and a large portion of the 1086th. Several elements of the Renegade legion refused to retreat and were resupplied as a rear-guard garrison, doomed to fight until the end. The rescue squadron then quickly made its escape to Shannedam IV.

The Black Asps believed that so few defenders did not pose a serious threat to their occupation of the world. The legion took its time in surrounding the units, giving the enemy an opportunity to fortify and dig in. When the Command Manus of the Black Asps charged the Renegade position, they found it heavily fortified. Commanding General Horris was killed and the Command Manus decimated. In retaliation, the 20405th Carrier Wing eliminated the remaining Renegades in a series of nuclear strikes.

Olisipio was not a cherished prize once conquered. With the destruction of the Sheppard Naval Base, TOG had stopped a source of supply raids, but the system offered few resources. TOG rebuilt several of the damaged cities, and even completed an underwater subway linking Trent and York. Fergius was renamed Asp, because it was only 30 kilometers from the site of the Black Asps' ambush. TOG has also established several military bases on this end of the continent.

The Baufrin firms on Olisipio are now producing armaments for the Terran Overlord Government in its war against the Commonwealth. Sabotage was common when the first first switched to military production, but this has decreased since several Lictor IS agents have begun to operate in each of the factories that experienced difficulties.

TOG has begun to use Olisipio as a hunting resort, returning it to its original function. Though this practice does not exist officially, unofficially it brings several thousand visitors to the world every year. Several hunting lodges have been built in the southern arm of the continent. The largest lodge belongs to Grand Admiral Atremus Glist and is located just south of Azaki.

A VLCA in the orbit of Effing V was completed in 6817. It has a limited capacity to defend itself, but other than that, TOG has done little to improve the system's defenses.

Explorers probing the ruins of the devastated Sheppard Naval Base have recently uncovered evidence of hidden CAF supply depots on Olisipio. These were apparently established prior to the TOG invasion. Over a dozen have been discovered fully stocked, but seven more appeared to have been emptied only recently. This suggests a heavily armed rebel contingent on Olisipio.

In the past year, the Commonwealth Armed Forces has made two attempts to cripple the VLCA in orbit around Effing V. Both of these attempts failed, but a diversionary attack on a major orbiting factory over Olisipio successfully destroyed that facility.

Planetary Timeline[]


Snow Plague hits.


KessRith occupy world.


Civil war, rebels backed by CW.


TOG attacks.


TOG conquers; 672nd Minerva Pursuit Wing pulled back to Defiance.


Major orbiting facility over Olisipio destroyed by CAF feint.