Legatus Maximus Rocipian Olioarchus. (Picture is fanart.)
Legatus Maximus Rocipian Olioarchus is a TOG staff rank officer and the commander of the 365th Volunteer Assault Auxilia (Penal Auxilia) on the embattled planet Caralis. He appears in the novel Frost Death by Peter L. Rice. Ruthlessness, ambition and a complete lack of empathy for his troops or fellow officers make him an ideal commander of a penal unit. He is familiar with the policy of keeping casualties among the penal Legionnaires at about 70 per cent, and does not hesitate to assign his units impossible objectives in order to meet the casualty rate.
Arriving in the Caralis system with the newly assembled 365th Auxilia, Olioarchus was sent to reinforce the bloodied Cohort Camus on the planet´s south pole. As the casualties against the well-entrenched Renegade forces of Cohort Harras continued to mount, he set up Legatus Camus, the operational commander, as a scapegoat and assumed command of the TOG expeditionary force himself. Pressing the Renegades relentlessly, he forced them to abandon their fortified position, but on the brink of victory, his plans were frustrated by the arrival of a grav-armoured Renegade relief force. Although he could still have won, he broke off the engagement and retreated because he had reached the mandatory 70 per cent mark of penal Legionnaire deaths.
During the chaotic retreat, harrassed by Renegade tanks, Legatus Camus escaped arrest and confronted Olioarchus with a spike pistol. The Legatus Maximus calmly offered Camus rehabilitation and hero status if he, Camus, committed suicide. Camus hesitated, but then pulled the trigger and shot Olioarchus.
To hide his own neglect in guarding the arrested Camus, Olioarchus´ operations officer Miles Stratton later wrote a moderately plausible report that claimed Camus and Olioarchus had died fighting off Renegade pursuers.