Nisus is a Galatin word meaning "hawk". The imagery evoked by the name reflected the purpose that TOGSOG had in mind for the tank when they commissioned it: a fast, light predator who could outpace and strike down other light tanks.
The name proved prophetic in a completely different and very much unintended way. Up to then, there had been a few TOG vehicles named after animals, such as the Asinus and Equus grav sleds, but so far all of them had been utility vehicles. Ironically, after the Nisus' spectacular failure in its intended role, many indeed ended up modified for utility duties. It is not uncommon for gutted Nisuses to serve as transportation or signal vehicles.
The Nisus Project was a failed attempt by TOG to build an effective recon vehicle that was powerful, well armored, and inexpensive. The resulting vehicle has only one characteristic out of the three, and may not even be inexpensive. The Nisus entered service in 6742 and saw combat in the same year. Since that time, the Nisus has received complaint upon complaint.
The main complaints about the vehicle are that it is prone to breakdown, that it cannot stand up to enemy fire, and that it is little value against any foe except garrison units. Though it has good acceleration, little else can be said in the vehicle's favor. Its armor and shields are weak. It is continually outclassed in weaponry, with only a 50mm cannon, a 1.5/5 Laser, and two TVLG (2)s. Its sensor gear was once considered fine quality but is now out of date and unreliable.