Mysia is a torrid, highly volcanic planet, the perfect environment for the formation of gennium-arsenic ore. The planet's single, large continent wraps around the equator, broken only at the Straights of Baufra, between Yar and Tonic.
Mysia's mountains are tall and relatively new. Some rise above the world's low, thin atmosphere. Many have thick veins of gennium-arsenic ore running near their surface. The richest strikes so far have been located between Hail and Fiscus. These mountains also have deep valleys, covered with mists and filled with thick jungles teeming with native life.
The crust and surface plates of Mysia are so unstable that volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and tidal waves are daily occurrences. Large walls and dikes shield coastal towns against wave damage, and every permanent structure is built to withstand the planet's constant shifting.
The Blackened Sea gets its name from a layer of soot and floating ash that clogs its surface, volcanic dust carried here by prevailing winds. Violent storms form constantly in the Blackened Sea, wreaking such havoc on the northern coastline that travel is virtually impossible, even under the best of conditions.
Most of Mysia's cities are located along the coast of the southern green sea, Mysteria. In contrast to the Blackened Sea, the Mysteria boasts abundant marine life and is easily traversed.
Early History[]
Early Baufrin explorers considered the habitable but inhospitable Mysia to be both blessed and cursed. An earthquake destroyed the first expedition to the planet, but the discovery of gennium-arsenic ore 40 years later attracted new colonists.Several mining firms immediately staked claims on Mysia and began strip-mining operations. Those hardy enough to survive were soon making a good living.
When the Snow Plague hit and virtually destroyed the Commonwealth, Mysia was not immune. Mining operations halted and the plague's survivors retreated to the valleys, seeking some means of survival. When the KessRith arrived in 5045, they found only scattered tribes. The original mining towns and cities had fallen into ruin in Mysia's harsh climate.
The KessRith began anew. They built their own cities and began mining again, using captured Humans and Baufrin for labor. On this planet of constant seismic activity, the mines were often deathtraps.
Mysia's population swelled as the KessRith brought in more slaves from other Commonwealth worlds. Baufrin were especially popular for their ability to work in the mines. in less than 200 years, the Human and Baufrin population rose to equal that of the KessRith.
In 6570 the resurgent Commonwealth turned its attention to Mysia. Two battleship squadrons crippled the KessRith space defenses and severely damaged the three large G-A crystal facilities in orbit over Mysia. Below, a full KessRith legion was dug in on the southern coast near present-day Rodan. The Commonwealth two Baufrin armored regiments against the defenders.
The battle took the better part of two years, even with the KessRtih cut off from supplies and reinforcements for most of the time. Finally, on 30 September 6572, the KessRith commander and his consort were captured, bringing an end to their control of Mysia.
The Commonwealth began reconstruction by replacing the damaged G-A crystal facilities. A VLCA was placed in orbit near Lance, and the larger mines were garrisoned. Over the next two centuries, the planet prospered as it returned to full production. Within the last 50 years, an extensive spaceport facility has been constructed outside of Tonic to handle Mysia's vast imports and exports.
Recent Events[]
When TOG moved against the Naram Republic, refugees fled into the Commonwealth. Over a million settled in Hail.
In preparation for TOG's thrust into Shannedam, the Second ACR and a local militia legion, the 5056th Infantry Legion (Provisional), were assigned to Mysia's defense. With Ancona's fall, a more rapid redeployment became necessary. After Mysia was stripped of the Second ACR in 6811, it was protected only by the 5056th Infantry and elements of the 2031st Strike Legion, which had been temporarily assigned as training advisors.
The capitulation of Thapsus freed the 149th Praetorian Guards to strike against Mysia. To confuse the Commonwealth commanders, half of the legion redeployed to Ancona. In response, the CAF shifted more reserves to Shannedam, in heightened expectation of an offensive against the capital. Instead, both halves of the 149th, from Thapsus and Ancona, struck at Mysia. They found a heavily defended system, thick with Interceptors. As the TOG Navy fought on the fringe of the system, the 149th began landing on the outskirts of Tonic.
The 2031st had trained the 5056th Infantry Legion well. Two Manuses dug in around Yar while the 149th mopped up resistance in Tonic. As TOG forces marched across to Yar, the trans-strait bridge was destroyed, killing hundreds of infantry. The 5056th seemed to lurk in every building of Yar. The TOG forces slowly won the city, but at a terrible cost. After 15 days, most of Yar was in ruins.
Hidden Interceptor bases in the abandoned mines near Fiscus struck the next blow. Every time the TOG commanders thought they had control over the air, they were suddenly thrown onto the defensive again. The miners put up a fierce resistance. TOG troops would capture a mine, only to have it explode in their faces. They also took the orbital G-A crystal facilities, but each one fell to sabotage and had to be replaced. The VLCA announced surrender to the TOG Navy, only to self-destruct when the TOG command shuttle docked with it.
Unfortunately, the Commonwealth could not replace its losses. Eventually, the tattered remnants of the 5056th and the 2031st dug in around Men and formally invited the 149th to attack them. Seeing a chance to deliver the final blow in an exhausting campaign, the TOG commander took the challenge.
On 14 December 6814, the 149th Guards began their assault on Men. Hopelessly outgunned, the Commonwealth defenders were eventually surrounded and seemed to retreat into a G-A mine.
As the final day dawned, the 2003rd Renegade Battle Squadron burst in from T-space. Armed shuttles swooped down to evacuate the beleaguered infantry while its Interceptors held back the astonished TOG naval commander and his forces. The 2003rd had remained hidden near Boy-P, laying low until the right time. Just as the TOG Navy rallied, the Renegades re-entered T-space, leaving the planet to TOG occupation.
The TOG capital, Fiscus, has become a large military complex. TOG has rebuilt several other ground bases and orbital facilities over the past 20 years, but it has dedicated most resources to keeping Mysia's mines and processing stations going. As millions of slaves die each year in cave-ins during earthquakes and eruptions, new supplies of mine workers are constantly arriving from other captured worlds.
Mysia is a hotbed of rebellion. The House of Lords escaped the 149th's original assault and most of its members are hidden in the interior, coordinating the resistance against TOG. TOG commanders have searched for rebel bases, but found nothing more than abandoned huts in the mists. Supplies hidden by the CAF prior to the invasion have given the resistance plenty of arms and munitions to carry on the fight. The rebels also carry out frequent raids on TOG convoys for new supplies, and they often hit the slave camps and prisons to liberate and recruit new personnel.
The Lictor IS has recently set up command posts in Yar, Fiscus, and Rodan. It is believed that they will soon launch an intensified campaign to find and eliminate the resistance movement on Mysia.
Planetary Timeline[]
KessRith take world already devastated by Snow Plague.
CW attacks; two years later, they take the world.
Rich new G-A ore vein discovered.
Second ACR pulled back to defend Defiance.
TOG attacks and takes the world.