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Map KuCrassus

A Prefect-scale map of Ku Crassus, created by user Christopher J. Smith.

Ku Crassus' most prominent features are its meteor craters and the broken terrain surrounding each of them. Nambika, the sole continent, is dotted with forests but no real mountains.

To the southeast of Nambika is an unstable, volcanic island chain formed by the recent meteor strikes on the planet. The only settled island is Nathen's Vineyard, farther east. It's principle city, Brake, is the liberal Labor Party's political base.

Until about 300 years ago, the Ku Crassus oceans brimmed with life, and its lands were covered with rich fields and grasses. When a massive meteor shower struck in 6499, it changed the planet's face forever. Some of the larger rocks were dozens of kilometers thick.

The dust stirred by the strikes sent Ku Crassus into a 200-year ice age, and earthquakes still occur daily on this formerly stable world. Impacts at sea formed the islands to the southeast of Nambika, which are still dangerous. The waves and storms caused by the meteors ruined all coastal areas, flooding them with 100-meter tidal waves.

Early History[]

Joint Baufrin and Human colonies appeared on Ku Crassus in the early 3000s. Though records were lost during the KessRith occupation, local legends indicate that a series of mining operations failed, stranding the settlers. Regardless of its origins, Ku Crassus was a thriving colony world of more than one hundred million inhabitants by 3420.

The Commonwealth pressured the world to join its union, but Ku Crassus preferred independence. As an independent world, Ku Crassus was economically strong, but that also made it a ripe target for those who sought power. In 3543 its independence was put to the test.

A Human named Craig Jussin decided that a mercenary unit could seize Ku Crassus' port cities, economically strangling it and turning it into a dictatorship. Alien and Human mercenaries were smuggled onto the world during the next two years, and in 3543, Jussin launched his coup.

He was so overwhelmingly successful at first that Jussin declared himself potentate after only three months. When his mercenaries began to fight among themselves, however, it led to his assassination. Bitter in-fighting prevailed, and suddenly the planet was split into city-states. Nearly a million innocent victims were killed in the resulting wars. The "Living Hell" of the mercenary occupation lasted for about three decades, with most of Ku Crassus's civilians plunged into slavery.

In desperation, Ku Crassus' last surviving civilian leaders petitioned the Commonwealth for membership. The response was simple and direct. Four combat regiments dropped onto Ku Crassus and mopped up the last of the mercenaries within a month. From that point on, Ku Crassus was an important and dedicated member of the Commonwealth community.

When the Snow Plague struck at Ku Crassus, the results were catastrophic. The population was so decimated that it was totally unable to react to initial KessRith assaults. The CAF garrisons survived by hiding in the dense forests, forming what would become known as the Robin Hood Brigades. Striking like the men of legend, the robbed from the KessRith and gave what they stole to the enslaved population.

Then, as suddenly as the KessRith had come to Ku Crassus, they began to depart in 6453. Entire factories were dismantled and shipped off-world. Garrisons were removed effectively freeing the slaves. The native population was so relieved that they did not question why the KessRith were leaving. The more idealistic credited the persistence of the Robin Hood Brigades.

In reality, a massive meteor shower was on an unmissable collision course with Ku Crassus. The KessRith Navy was unable to divert it, so they simply stepped out of its path, leaving the local population to its fate.

On 8 April 6499 the first meteor struck outside of Sheekla, destroying the city. For ten months the strikes continued, laying waste to the world. Millions died instantly, while survivors were beset by isolation, starvation, and disease. A year later, a remnant of two million began the long rebuilding process.

In 6560, advance forces of the newly reborn Commonwealth orbited the world, shocked at what they saw. At first they feared that the KessRith had used some ruinous new weapon against Ku Crassus, but they soon realized the real cause of the world's destruction.

Over 200 years later, the ice age has faded away. Baufrin mining operations near the meteor strikes have yielded vast quantities of nickel, copper, and tin. Ku Crassus's prairies have begun to recover their former vigor.

Recent Events[]

The 199th Renegade Strike Legion arrived following its withdraw from Keserdal County. It had suffered more than 50 percent casualties, but drew on the population of Ku Crassus to return to full strength. With the fall of Grosianus, TOG operations against Ku Crassus were sure to be next. Control of the planet would all but seal the Caralis-Messana pocket, cutting off these vital worlds from the rest of the Commonwealth. The 199th studied ways to take advantage of Ku Crassus' broken terrain. They also hid supplies across Nambika so that the Legion would not be cut off, regardless of where TOG landed.

The CAF stationed the elite 3009th Renegade Attack Wing (Shield of Doom) for Interceptor support in the system, as well as three Royal Navy squadrons.

The expected attack took place on 10 June 6830. The 68011th Raiding Squadron struck at the two garrisons of the 199th, while TOG dropped two legions onto Nambika. Interceptors took out the orbiting VLCA to cut off direct communications with Messana and Caralis.

TOG secured Fisherton and drove inland from the coast, driving back the 199th Renegade Legion, forcing it to split ranks. The 3099th Renegade Infantry Legion drove out from Dog Meat and halted the TOG offensive in the west, but was so damaged by the effort that it had to be rotated off-planet. Meanwhile, the 199th forced TOG back to the south of Sun Bright.

By the end of 6830, the TOG drive had bogged down, unable to fight across the broken terrain. Small units of the 199th's infantry were able to penetrate the enemy lines and wreak havoc, pushing to the outskirts of the TOG occupational capital.

In December 6831 the CAF shifted the recently refitted Second ACR to Ku Crassus and deployed it along the western front. This unit is expected to begin operations in late spring, with the goal of driving TOG off Ku Crassus entirely. However, TOG has recently rotated the 3241st onto the planet, along with the 609443rd Heavy Assault Auxilia. The key to any counteroffensive will be the support the 199th and the Second ACR receive from the Royal Navy, already stretched thin in that part of the County.

Planetary Timeline[]


Ku Crassus reaches population of over 100 million.


Craig Jussin launches his coup; world plunged into three decades of rule by mercenaries.


Formerly independent, Ku Crassus petitions for CW military help and membership.


End of 50 years of resistance to KessRith.


KessRith begin to leave.


Massive meteor strikes devastates world.


Renewed CW begins using world as staging point against KessRith.


2nd ACR reinforces 199th Renegade Strike Legion against 3241st TOG Strike Legion.


TOG attacks.


Reinforcements arrive.