The JCRFOB is the main authority within Commonwealth space for the planning, commissioning, design, production and implementation of starfighters. Members of the Board come from both militaries (both the Commonwealth Royal Navy and the Renegade Legions), as well as from civilian and military-related industrial backgrounds. A high percentage of the members hold noble titles, and some hold shares in, or outright own, major armament manufacturing firms. In particular, the Tiven-Rilus-Ope'Diar Industrial Megaplex has been very active in trying to foster preferential treatment. There have been allegations of favouritism and corruption arising from time to time, but on the whole, private interests and those of the Board are carefully kept apart. The Board is under the close scrutiny of both the Regent and the Naval High Command.
JCRFOB´s most visible occupation is the analysis of fighter battles and the development of new tactics to counter TOG fighters and doctrines. It employs private and military contractors to provide analyses. In addition, Wing and carrier group commanders may be cited before the Board to report on engagements they fought or to provide input.
Where new tactical doctrines require the development of new fighter models, the JCRFOB will commission and finance the testing and prototype production. Once a new fighter is approved, the actual production is financed by the CAF´s general budget, the allocation of which is subject to no-holds-barred (though cordial) political in-fighting with other branches.