TOG ACADEMY: the Renegade Legion Wiki

Fighter TOG Idis2

The Idis, as represented in the TOG Fighter Briefing.


The Idis is a medium fighter assigned to perform fleet strike missions, and it was produced in the wake of Imperial Navy studies of the Commonwealth´s Penetrator. In reviewing the Penetrator‘s performance, the Navy concluded that the ship‘s lack of lasers significantly reduced its combat effectiveness. They recommended construction of a new fighter to be equipped with lasers[1] and Electron particle cannon to increase the chances of undercutting large segments of armor. Combined with a large missile load, this weapons mix would make the Idis more effective than the Penetrator.

Fighter TOG Idis specs3

The Idis´ profile, top and front view. (Picture is fanart.)

Fighter TOG Idis1

The high and narrow profile of the Idis, with the engines stacked in an over-and-under configuration and the laser cannon mounted on foldable short stub wings, was an attempt by the engineers to fit two of the fighters into a capital carrier´s standard 300-ton hangar bay. It was found that while the actual double berthing was rarely a problem, the fighters tended to obstruct each other, and meticulous care had to be taken to prevent collisions during launch and recovery. Extremely difficult to manage even under ideal conditions, double-occupation berths proved disastrous in a combat situation. The idea of double occupancy was cancelled on active warships, but occasionally a ship shuttling "empty" fighter squadrons to their deployment area will cram two Idises into one berth and unload them carefully at the destination.

The Idis entered service in 6812, and has been a moderately effective strike fighter. Its weapons mix is very powerful, but its EPCs are effective only at short range. This means that the Idis must expose itself to more accurate defensive fire from its target than does the Penetrator. Against well-defended sites, the Idis is at a disadvantage in encounters with its Commonwealth counterpart.


Idis squadrons operate with 1027th Carrier Fighter Wing and have been assigned patrol duties on Olisipio.


Legionnaire RPG Values: Idis Standard Variant[]

Hit Location Sub-Location Damage Boxes / Damage
[1] Structure - [][][][][] [][][][][] []
[2] FTL Drive - None
[3] Shields - [][][][][] []
[4] Engines / Thrust - [][][][][] [][] ::: Thrust 7 g
[5] Armour - [][][][][] []
[6] Crew Pilot [][][][][]
[7] Weapon Computers - [][][][]
[8] Sensors - [][][]
[9] Life Support - [][][]
[10] Weapons [1] 5/3 Laser Damage 3[1]
- [2] 5/3 Laser Damage 3[1]
- [3] EPC-18 Damage 7
- [4] EPC-18 Damage 7
- [5] Hardpoint *
- [6] Hardpoint *
- [7] Hardpoint *


Leviathan Values: Idis Standard Variant[]

The Idis is frequently used in fleet engagements. Its strong close-range armament and large missile load make it a good addition to Naval fighter complements, and smaller carriers often request Idises because their narrow profile makes repairs and maintenance easier in the cramped berths. Raiding missions are usually given to other fighter types; especially planetary raids are hindered by the fighter´s lack of streamlining.

Group (72 Fighters) Armour Missile Attack Value CRA LRA Thrust
Armour Row 6 [][][][][][] [][][][][][] [][]---- - 100 173 50 7
Armour Row 5 [][][][][][] [][][][][]- ---- - 144 42 -
Armour Row 4 [][][][][][] [][]---- - - 115 34 -
Armour Row 3 [][][][][]- ---- - 86 25 -
Armour Row 2 [][][]--- -- - 58 17 -
Armour Row 1 []----- - 29 8 -
Flight (24 Fighters) Armour Missile Attack Value CRA LRA Thrust
Armour Row 3 [][][][][][] ---- 25 58 17 9
Armour Row 2 [][][][][]- -- - 38 11 -
Armour Row 1 [][][]--- - 19 6 -
Squadron (6 Fighters) Armour Missile Attack Value CRA LRA Thrust
Armour Row 1 [][][]--- 10 14 4 11
Single Fighter Values Armour Missile Hardpoints CRA LRA Thrust
Idis 58 3 48 14 7


Variant: High Thrust Modification[]

Fighter TOG Idis Specs 2

This fairly common refit of the Idis removes the two lasers and replaces them with missile hardpoints. Being mounted on the tips of the wings without the sponson fairings usual in more modern TOG fighters, the refit is a matter of two hours and can be done even while at berth on a carrier vessel. Idises in this configuration are capable of higher thrust (requiring the installation of a higher-grade acceleration compensator) and deliver a large missile load. They are used in a strike role.

Legionnaire RPG Values: Idis Standard Variant[]

Hit Location Sub-Location Damage Boxes / Damage
[1] Structure - [][][][][] [][][][]
[2] FTL Drive - None
[3] Shields - [][][][][] []
[4] Engines / Thrust - [][][][][] [][][] ::: Thrust 8 g
[5] Armour - [][][][][] []
[6] Crew Pilot [][][][][]
[7] Weapon Computers - [][][][]
[8] Sensors - [][][]
[9] Life Support - [][][]
[10] Weapons [1] EPC-18 Damage 7
- [2] EPC-18 Damage 7
- [3] Hardpoint *
- [4] Hardpoint *
- [5] Hardpoint *
- [6] Hardpoint *
- [7] Hardpoint *


Leviathan Values: Idis High Thrust Modification[]

While still hindered by its lack of atmospheric capability, the high-thrust modified Idis excels in a raiding role against space-bound installations. Its ample missile load enables the Idis to do heavy damage. When encountering screening interceptors, the twin EPCs mounted in the bow give it the ability to defend itself, although its penetrating ability is limited, and it has to get in close in order to deal sufficient damage.

In fleet engagements between Leviathans, the high-thrust variant is often held back waiting in the wings to swoop in and fire its missile salvo at an unshielded damaged capital ship.

Group (72 Fighters) Armour Missile Attack Value CRA LRA Thrust
Armour Row 6 [][][][][][] [][][][][][] [][]---- - 100 130 22 8
Armour Row 5 [][][][][][] [][][][][]- ---- - 108 18 -
Armour Row 4 [][][][][][] [][]---- - - 86 14 -
Armour Row 3 [][][][][]- ---- - 65 11 -
Armour Row 2 [][][]--- -- - 43 7 -
Armour Row 1 []----- - 22 4 -
Flight (24 Fighters) Armour Missile Attack Value CRA LRA Thrust
Armour Row 3 [][][][][][] ---- 100 43 7 10
Armour Row 2 [][][][][]- -- - 29 5 -
Armour Row 1 [][][]--- - 14 2 -
Squadron (6 Fighters) Armour Missile Attack Value CRA LRA Thrust
Armour Row 1 [][][]--- 25 11 2 12
Single Fighter Values Armour Missile Hardpoints CRA LRA Thrust
Idis High Thrust 58 5 36 6 8



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Idis mounts two 5/3 laser cannon. The weapon has no stats in the Interceptor fighter construction rules, but reverse-engineering the Idis allows us to extrapolate them: 5/3 Laser Cannon - Mass (tons) : 12 - Power used : 12 - Cost (talents) : 144,000 - Damage: 6 (1 hex range) - 5 (2-3 hexes) - 4 (4-6 hexes) - 3 (7-10 hexes) - 0 (11-15 hexes).