The grav truck is a grav-mounted military transport vehicle used by the Commonwealth in a Legion´s organic transport companies. It appears in the scenario Smash And Grab on p. 53 of the Distant Fire sourcebook for the Centurion boardgame. Conceivably, TOG operates similar utility vehicles that would be different in appearance but very similar in stats.
Design Philosophy and Operational Role[]
While the Grav Truck can serve as an infantry carrier in a pinch, its use as an APC is limited due to its low acceleration and virtually non-existent armour. Usually, it is employed to carry supplies. While it is usually encountered in a Legion´s rear staging area, it is not unusual to see daring drivers braving enemy fire to replenish units on the frontlines.
Since the Commonwealth Armed Forces and Renegade Legions are fighting a bloody retreat across the planets of the counties invaded by the Terran Overlord Government, there have been many cases of embattled Legions that were cut off from their support helping themselves to TOG supply stockpiles in fits of rear-area raiding. In fact, this tactic has become a staple of RL / CAF military doctrine since it helps keep the Legions in the field and operating and at the same time deprives the enemy of supplies. Grav trucks often accompany the raiding tanks in those actions to carry off the loot.
The truck lacks shields and digging cannons, although it has a standard military painting laser. To give it a modicum of defense, it is equipped with a turret (little more than a glorified remote-controlled pintle mount) that mounts an anti-personnel laser.
If not carrying a squad of infantry, the hold of a grav truck can carry 32 supply factors. Each box of "infantry" destroyed on the vehicle sheet also destroys one supply factor worth of cargo.