The Devil is a medium fighter that private Commonwealth companies are supplying to the military forces of Trader's Paradise.

The original Devil picture from the Renegade Legions Fighter Briefing Manual.

Devil with Merchant Races markings. The Free Traders' symbol has been described as "a snake squashed on a railroad track". Its meaning is lost in the mists of antiquity, but it is said to represent the spirit of commerce and free enterprise.

Devil with Renegade markings.

Devil with Commonwealth Armed Forces insignia.
Production History[]
Because Trader's Paradise has a limited industrial capacity, its factories concentrate on the production of consumer goods for the indigenous population and on exportable, high value / low mass items such as industrial grade diamonds and luxury foodstuffs. Military equipment for the planetary forces must usually be imported.
Until recently, the TOG military had supplied Trader's Paradise with military hardware. The Imperial Navy and Legions have also supplied officers to train and command the native troops to use the equipment and to oversee its tactical deployment. This arrangement was originally made to ensure TOG would not feel threatened by Trader's Paradise having a navy and militia of its own.
In 6821, some native soldiers commanded by TOG officers carried out an abortive military coup on Trader's Paradise. This led to all TOG military advisors being expelled from the planet. The Lictor tried to infer that the rebellion was a Renegade plot, but to no avail. In retaliation for the expulsion, TOG halted the export of military hardware to Trader's Paradise.
A conglomerate of Commonwealth merchant companies stepped into the vacant space and started to supply the Merchant Races of Trader's Paradise with fighters, weapons and tanks. One fighter model specifically designed for the needs of Free Trader patrols and self-defense is the Devil.
Design Philosophy and Tactical Role[]
Based on the reliable Avenger chassis, the Devil is designed for easy maintenance so that the technicians of Trader's Paradise can service the fighter with a minimum of re-training. Most components are modular and rely on materials readily available on the planet or easily obtainable from Commonwealth sources on nearby worlds. A basic self-testing program in the ship's computer can identify any faulty module and recommend its replacement.
Weaponry is varied and consists of light lasers, an Electron particle cannon and a mass driver, in addition to a single missile. This ensures that even if there is a shortage of replacement parts for one weapon system, the fighter is still operable, though at reduced offensive power.
The lasers are rather low-powered; this is due to the fact that, if the need arises, shorter crystals can be manufactured in the orbital facilities of Trader's Paradise. if supplied with enough Gennium-Arsenic ore. Those homegrown crystals are serviceable, albeit of inferior quality.
The Safeguard Anti-Missile System on the Devil´s prow is a not-so-subtle hint that the fighter´s anticipated main enemy will be missile-armed Terran Overlord Government fighter craft - either an invasion force or merchant raiders.
In all, the weapons layout on the Devil is more due to economical and political considerations than to any tactical concept; as a result, the fighter is a jack-of-all-trades which excels at no particular role. Its intended service is that of a convoy guard for freighters, patrol duty on the system´s outskirts, and system defense.
Legionnaire RPG Values: Devil[]
Hit Location | Sub-Location | Damage Boxes / Damage |
[1] Structure | - | [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][] |
[2] FTL Drive | - | None |
[3] Shields | - | [][][][][] |
[4] Engines / Thrust | - | [][][][][] [][] ::: Thrust 7 g |
[5] Armour | - | [][][][][] [] |
[6] Crew | Pilot | [][][][][] |
[7] Weapon Computers | - | [][][][] |
[8] Sensors | - | [][][] |
[9] Life Support | - | [][][] |
[10] Weapons | [1] 5/1 Laser | Damage 2 |
- | [2] 5/1 Laser | Damage 2 |
- | [3] MDC-10 | Damage 8 |
- | [4] EPC-14 | Damage 5 |
- | [5] Hardpoint | * |
[6] Safeguard-1 | Modify enemy missile to-hit rolls by 1 |
Leviathan Values: Devil[]
The Devil is supposedly comparable to the Pilum in capital ship engagements. Since its main role is that of a trade escort, its usual opponents are fighters and corvettes on raiding missions. The Devil´s usefulness in fleet action or against destroyer raiding flotillas still needs to be determined by an actual battle.
Group (72 Fighters) | Armour | Missile Attack Value | CRA | LRA | Thrust |
Armour Row 6 | [][][][][][] [][][][][][] [][]---- - | 50 | 115 | 54 | 7 |
Armour Row 5 | [][][][][][] [][][][][]- ---- | - | 96 | 45 | - |
Armour Row 4 | [][][][][][] [][]---- - | - | 77 | 36 | - |
Armour Row 3 | [][][][][]- ---- | - | 58 | 27 | - |
Armour Row 2 | [][][]--- -- | - | 38 | 18 | - |
Armour Row 1 | [][]---- | - | 19 | 9 | - |
Flight (24 Fighters) | Armour | Missile Attack Value | CRA | LRA | Thrust |
Armour Row 3 | [][][][][][] ---- | 10 | 38 | 18 | 9 |
Armour Row 2 | [][][][][]- -- | - | 26 | 12 | - |
Armour Row 1 | [][][]--- | - | 13 | 6 | - |
Squadron (6 Fighters) | Armour | Missile Attack Value | CRA | LRA | Thrust |
Armour Row 1 | [][][][]-- | 0 | 10 | 5 | 11 |
Single Fighter Values | Armour | Missile Hardpoints | CRA | LRA | Thrust |
Devil | 60 | 1 | 32 | 15 | 7 |
TOG Naval Intelligence has confirmed the following deployment of the fighter:
- Trader's Paradise: 1 group (72 fighters)