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Fighter RL Defender2

The Defender as presented in the Renegade Legions Fighter Briefing.

Fighter RL Defender MarkyMarkOrtiz

The Defender model made by MarkyMark Ortiz.

Fighter RL Defender model

Defenders defending the Defiance system. (Miniature courtesy of MarkyMark Ortiz)

The Defender is an aging heavy Commonwealth fighter nearing the end of its operational usefulness. It mounts heavy mass driver cannon and medium lasers.

Design Philosophy and Operational Role[]

Fighter RL Defender specs

The DefenderĀ“s top, side and front view. (Picture is fanart.)

First introduced in 6720, the Defender is one of the oldest heavy fighters still in active use by either TOG or the Commonwealth. In arming the craft, the DefenderĀ“s designers bypassed the then-new EPC and NPC classes of heavy weapons in favour of older, but more reliable mass driver cannon.

Mounting the two largest mass drivers available and backing them up with two medium 5/2 lasers and a single hardpoint, the Defender packed a considerable punch for its time. Armour and shielding, which originally were somewhat thin for a heavy fighter, have been upgraded over time during numerous refits as better materials and high-flicker shield generators became available.

Rugged and hard-wearing, the design has found its way onto many Commonwealth worlds, primarily in a planetary defense role. When hostilities broke out between TOG and the Commonwealth in late 6720 - 6723[1], the Royal Navy already had a large supply of Defenders on hand. A great number have been lost over the years, but pressed for war materials, the Commonwealth has decided to keep this ancient fighter in production. Much of that has to do with logistical issues; spare parts for the Defender are plentiful and already in the supply chain. The fighter also shares many components with its line of "descendant" fighters, like the Penetrator and Kenderson, which further simplifies maintenance and repair.

Compared to many sleeker and more modern fighter craft, the Defender is almost comically large and bulky. Its broad body and wing assembly hardly fit into a standard 200-ton fighter berth and are awkward even in the larger hangar decks of capital carrier craft. Pilots on deep space interception or naval support missions often leave the aerodynamic front fairings off - both for easier maintenance and to give their ground crews more room to work in.

Fighter RL Defender stripped3

Defender pilots and ground crews often remove the fighterĀ“s front cowling to facilitate maintenance.

Within the past six months, there has been a move to discontinue the Defender. The aging design lacks the acceleration to keep up with the TOG Imperial NavyĀ“s modern missile-saturation tactics and high-acceleration fighters. While other heavy fighters, such as the Gaul, NaĀ“Ctka Moquka or Warspite, solve the problem with a turret, the Defender frequently finds itself outmanoeuvered by Spicula or similar craft and is hard pressed to evade missiles. Also, after over a century of war, TOG tacticians and pilots are overly familiar with the Defender and its capabilities. It is up to speculation whether the fighter will be retired, but in the face of the constant TOG pressure and war-related shortages, everything that can fly, including the Defender, is kept out there on the border, fighting.


Legionnaire RPG Values[]

Hit Location Sub-Location Damage Boxes / Damage
[1] Structure - [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][]
[2] FTL Drive - None
[3] Shields - [][][][][] [][]
[4] Engines / Thrust - [][][][][] [] ::: Thrust 6 g
[5] Armour - [][][][][] [][][]
[6] Crew Pilot [][][][][]
[7] Weapon Computers - [][][][]
[8] Sensors - [][][]
[9] Life Support - [][][]
[10] Weapons [1] MDC-12 Damage 10
- [2] MDC-12 Damage 10
- [3] 5/2 Laser Damage 3
- [4] 5/2 Laser Damage 3
- [5] Hardpoint *


Leviathan Values[]

Line Missions[]

Despite its age, the Defender still holds its own aboard capital ships. Its ability to deal damage and rugged endurance make it a good screening fighter for its mothership, even though its missile capacity is very low and its broad frame makes it a bit unpopular with the deck crews who have to service it. Able to attack at range, it is also often encountered as a point-defense fighter by TOG destroyers or patrol-class vessels making a pass against a planetary or orbital installation.

Raiding Missions[]

Its low acceleration limits the DefenderĀ“s capability as a raider, although mixed Avenger / Defender squadrons have met with some success in this role. More often, the Defender is guarding the target of a raid and used to repel the invaders.

Group (72 Fighters) Armour Missile Attack Value CRA LRA Thrust
Armour Row 6 [][][][][][] [][][][][][] [][][][]-- - 50 122 108 6
Armour Row 5 [][][][][][] [][][][][][] []--- - 102 90 -
Armour Row 4 [][][][][][] [][][][]-- - - 82 72 -
Armour Row 3 [][][][][][] []--- - 61 54 -
Armour Row 2 [][][][][]- -- - 41 36 -
Armour Row 1 [][][]--- - 20 18 -
Flight (24 Fighters) Armour Missile Attack Value CRA LRA Thrust
Armour Row 3 [][][][][][] [][]-- 10 41 36 8
Armour Row 2 [][][][][][] -- - 27 24 -
Armour Row 1 [][][][]-- - 14 12 -
Squadron (6 Fighters) Armour Missile Attack Value CRA LRA Thrust
Armour Row 1 [][][][][]- 0 10 9 10
Single Fighter Values Armour Missile Hardpoints CRA LRA Thrust
Defender 75 1 34 30 6



  1. ā†‘ The Leviathan Capital Ship Briefing, p. 118, gives the date of the TOG invasion as 6720, while the DefenderĀ“s description in the Renegade Legion Fighter Briefing says 6723.