The Dalvik District is a former part of the Naram Republic annexed by TOG in 6727. The name of the district stems from the Naram adjective dalvik, which means "occupied" or "ousted".
The Naram Republic held the New Roman Republic at arm´s length politically, but worked together extensively in military operations against the KessRith and Ssora. With the proclamation of TOG, relations cooled off, but co-operation continued, making it easy for Lictor agents to infiltrate the Republic´s political structure.
The Seduction of the Naram (as it is known in TOG), or the Rape (as the Naram call it) started in 6717 when TOG signed a treaty of peace and friendship with the Republic. The resultant easing of political tension enabled the infiltration of high political offices in earnest, and the Lictor started a campaign of conversion, assassination, blackmail and slander to dispose of or discredit anti-TOG politicians on the Elder Council and win the remainder over. Ten years later, the subverted Council ceded over 40% of the Republic´s star systems to TOG, creating what is known today as the Dalvik District. The rest of the once-great nation became a puppet state.
Life in the Dalvik District[]
There have been several Renegade-inspired revolts in the Dalvik District, but much of the population keeps quiet to avoid brutal repercussions from the TOG occupators. Guerillas and agitators have gone underground. Since the decision to cede Dalvik to TOG was made by a legally elected body, there has been a decline of political interest among the Naram populace.
TOG is moving at a leisurely pace, but its ultimate aim is to implement a Diaspora - spreading the Naram thinly throughout human space to estrange them from their culture and blend them into TOG society. The Dalvik youth is being enlisted in pro-TOG education programmes under the cover of providing job opportunities and cultural exchange. A general draft sucks millions of young Naram into the fleet and Legions, further estranging them from their parents´ ways. The old traditions are painted as backward and superstitious, and conflict between the older generation and their indoctrinated children are getting common. Naram culture in the Dalvik District is on the brink of dissolution.