Water covers more than 85 percent of Ciria's surface. Its land masses consist of a single major continent, New Caernarvon, and two large islands, the Isle of Skye and the Isle of New Man. The planet's hydroculture industry is extensive and varied.
Ciria was volcanically active until several million years ago, leaving immense, relatively young mountain ranges. These steep, treacherous mountains hoard a wealth of heavy metals and radioactives that have been seriously mined only recently.
Animal life on Ciria is limited to the birds and small mammals brought to Shannedam with mankind's move into space, and the few forests represent the only land-based plant life. The planet's native aquatic life thrives in Ciria's warm oceans, providing a plentiful variety of food for for the world's inhabitants and accounting for most of its off-world exports.
Because the planet's rotation has very little tilt, Ciria's climate is almost uniformly temperate. Even the polar regions barely reach freezing temperatures.
New Caernarvon's several major rivers offer an abundant source of hydroelectric power, which is not only inexpensive but keeps Ciria one of the least polluted planets controlled by TOG.
Early History[]
The date of the original discovery of Ciria has been lost, though recent archaeological finds in the Shicka Islands and the Isle of Skye indicate that man probably arrived during the great expansion. Initial findings suggest that millions of Humans once populated a thriving colony.
Some archaeologists believe a world war wiped out these millions, but carbon dating of the mass graves on the Isle of [New] Man place the time close to the outbreak of the Snow Plague. Perhaps only the discovery of other ruins will yield more answers to the riddle of Ciria's early history.
In occupying Ciria, the KessRith treated it as an unpopulated world, setting up several colonies and building cities to house the workers. To exploit the planet's rich supply of raw materials, KessRith constructed several orbital factories to process the rare radioactives, and shipped in Humans from other conquered worlds as mine slaves.
In the year following the 6584 treaty with the Commonwealth, the KessRith turned over Ciria and several other uncontested worlds to the Commonwealth. The vast majority of the KessRith departed, with only a handful of families remaining in the northern reaches of New Caernarvon. Most of those who did stay segregated themselves in large KessRith communities like those still found in the suburbs of Wold and Rondelax.
Ciria thrived, reaching a population of more than 400 million by 6690. It was during this period of growth and expansion that several massive agricultural co-operatives formed. Fueled by new technologies, these co-ops took advantage of Ciria's long seasons to produce huge harvests.
The Naram influence on Ciria increased during the expansion, as many of this race sought refuge from the expanding Terran Republic. Many Naram settled in the rugged highlands, founding small mining operations that soon had mineral exports rivaling agricultural exports.
The Naram discovery of large deposits of uranium and other radioactive elements triggered an influx of Baufrin and aid and investment. In 6727, Baufrin investors persuaded several Naram operations to form the first mining cartel on Ciria. They also imported heavy industrial equipment and Baufrin miners from other worlds to increase their mine's yield.
Because the mining of heavy metals and other ores was important to the war effort, the Commonwealth Armed Forces increases its Cirian infantry garrisons on New Caernarvon and the Isle of New man to protect their newly built refineries.
Recent Events[]
During the battle for Ancona and other nearby planets in 6811, support was disrupted. The extra troops sent to protect the mining and agricultural co-ops were sent out to Ancona instead. Panic erupted and riots broke out as Ciria's industries fell apart.
The rush on the banks caused economic chaos. Fleeing refugees commandeered transports usually committed to precious metal and food exports. Rioting broke out in Halk on the Isle of New Man, and most of the town was burned to the ground. The Commonwealth Armed Forces would not control looting, which became commonplace.
The [Cirian] Parliament declared Ciria an open planet, ordering the Commonwealth Armed Forces off-world and began negotiating Ciria's surrender to TOG Admiral Chanasta of the 20056th Squadron. The Parliament intended the surrender to spare civilian lives and keep Ciria from conflict. Meanwhile, the Commonwealth decided that defense of Ciria and Grosianus would be futile, and made preparations to withdraw from both planets to a more defensible position along the Defiance-Syriph line. The official surrender took place 25 May 6818.
The arrival of General Hostas, the new military governor, made Ciria's situation worse. Within a month, rumors of terrorist attacks against TOG facilities and personnel by Ciria civilians ran wild. Several actually took place, but most of the stories were nothing more than Lictor misinformation. Under a "Right of Justification" General Hostas ordered a purge of governmental officials and their families. By Spring of 6819 more than 90 percent of those associated with the former ruling government had been killed.
In order to maintain offens[iv]es against Caralis, Messana, and Carthage, TOG withdrew most of its front-line combat troops from Ciria and Grosianus. Seeing an opportunity to regain the initiative on those two planets, the Commonwealth launched an offensive. In March 6827 the 10002nd Commonwealth Armored Legion landed on Ciria, overwhelming the TOG garrison troops and liberating the planet.
The liberation was short-lived. The TOG 13379th Strike Legion (Harbingers of Death) had arrived on Ancona only two weeks earlier, in preparation for deployment to the Caralis/Messana pocket. Instead they were immediately committed to a counteroffensive against Ciria. Within seven months Ciria was back in TOG hands.
Martial law rules Ciria, which serves as a model world under TOG command. The planet is firmly in the grasp of the Terran Overlord Government, with no strong resistance movement. More than 95 percent of its population has been classified as slaves and forced to work for the betterment of TOG. The occupation force is headquartered in Wold.
The TOG Navy is constructing a massive orbital ship-repair facility around Ciria. Dubbed "Tessdrake Command," this base will be capable of repairing Battleship Class ships. Ciria's slave population has been working on the base for the past eight years, and the TOG Navy expects it to be in operation soon.
Many strategists fear that once the base does become operational, it will allow the TOG Navy to expand deeper and more brutally into Shannedam County, posing threats to such remote worlds as Tubanos and Rilus V. Many in the Royal Navy fear that having such a facility so close to the front lines will cut down by years the time needed to conquer Shannedam, at the cost of millions of Commonwealth lives.
Planetary Timeline[]
CW makes separate peace with KessRith.
KessRith surrender Ciria and several other worlds to CW.
Ciria surrenders without a fight.
CW liberates Ciria (10002nd CW Armored Legion).
TOG retakes Ciria after seven months of fighting.