Medium Grav Tanks[]
Medium Armoured Fighting Vehicles (AFVs) equipped with a Marshman grav drive. With their well-rounded mix of agility, speed, armour and firepower, medium grav tanks are the workhorses of all combat Legions. Most tankers start their career in a Liberator or Horatius to learn their trade; with enough experience, they may be transferred to either the light armoured units (which need an experienced crew to offset their thin armour and maximise their advantage of speed and agility) or the prestigious heavy Cohorts. This means that the crews of medium tank platoons tend to have less combat experience than those in light or heavy units.
Medium Grav Armoured Personnel Carriers[]
Also called IFVs (Infantry Fighting Vehicles), medium Grav APCs are heavier than light APCs and emphasize armour and shielding over speed. They are designed to deliver their Legionnaire complement to the front, which often involves charging ahead of their own battle lines into the teeth of heavy enemy fire. Having deployed their infantry, they fall back and provide fire support. Often, medium APCs are equipped with long-ranged, marker-dependent weapons such as lasers to make the most of the foot Legionnaires' painting lasers.
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