TOG ACADEMY: the Renegade Legion Wiki

Dominated by deep blue oceans, Carthage X has been known as a world of beauty and riches for millennia. In recent years, however, it became the site of bloodshed and violent death, and now is a military staging world in the TOG campaign against Shannedam County.

Carthage X's great oceans are deep, freshwater, and teeming with fish and other deep-sea life. The planet's proximity to its large yellow star provides it with a warm environment.

The only land masses are along the world's equatorial band. The largest of these is Shembecker. It's tall, snow-capped western mountain range boasts the highest peaks on Carthage X. Across from the mountains, along the eastern edge of the continent, is a large tropical rain forest. These jungles have little animal life, but many large insect forms, some dangerous, thrive there.

West of Shembecker is Roko Island, Carthage X's farming center. The rich soil of its smaller mountains produces more than 300 types of native fruits and vegetables in deep forest areas.

Further west are the Skik Isles, rocky and forbidding islands rich in iron deposits. The Skik's coastal seas are a muddy rust color, rather than the brilliant blue characteristic of Carthage X's other seas.

The bulk of Carthage X's population lives still further west, on the Yantara Islands. Yamato Bay teems with fish and the fishermen who catch them. Bridges link the various islands in the southern chain to the monorail system, which runs from Frodo through New Dave and then on to Eve in the Skik Isles.

The last major chain is the Balyo Isles. During the KessRith occupation, the Balyo Isles were the hub of activity on Carthage X. The massacres at Balyo, however, have exterminated all life there, except for a thick scrub brush common to their interiors. The radiation and toxic chemical levels in this chain are so high that all travel there is prohibited.

Early History[]

When first discovered and mapped in 3012, the planet now known as Carthage X was called Wyse, after Vanessa Wyse, the famous Human explorer who charted the Grizard System. The first exploration team discovered a world of lush tropics and riches seeming to beg for exploitation.

First Human, then Baufrin, settlers arrived on Wyse. Most of the Baufrin settled on Shembecker, while the Human colony was established on the Balyo Isles.

An intelligent Parliament eventually forged Wyse's bounty into a strong civilization. Tourism flourished in and around the town of Dave, a resort mecca for the rich and powerful of the County. Wyse's potential seemed unlimited.

The Snow Plague changed that. As word of the Plague spread from Keserdal, the Wyse Parliament imposed a strict quarantine on the world. While the rest of Shannedam plunged into chaos, it appeared that Wyse might be spared.

In 5033 a KessRith flotilla entered the Grizard System, slipped past the naval defenses and landed on the Balyo Isles. Two weeks after the KessRith landing, the Snow Plague broke out on Wyse. As the KessRith advanced from island to island, so did illness and death. It took two years for the invaders to finally rout out the last of the resistance, by which time 77 percent of Wyse's population had died.

Having captured the world, the KessRith did little with it. After the last months of fighting destroyed the city of Dave, the KessRith pressed the surviving Humans and Baufrin into slave labor and began the long process of rebuilding the city as their new capital. The task took 70 years and thousands of lives. The once luxurious resort city was converted into a bleak, ugly KessRith military complex.

With the rise of Trajan and the war against the KessRith oppressors, a resistance movement was also launched on Wyse. The master stroke was the poisoning of the Balyo water supply with a delayed action agent. Because over 60 percent of the planet's garrison used the same water supply, 120,000 KessRith troops and officials died in a 72-hour period, including the planetary and military leadership. The remainder of the military suddenly found itself outnumbered, but not outgunned. Though the occupation force had experience and orbital fire-support to back them up, the rebels had numbers and grim determination. In 6569, with war breaking out everywhere in Shannedam County, the KessRith pulled the last of their troops off Wyse.

Recent Events[]

With the TOG invasion of the Commonwealth, many Humans became outraged at what New Rome and Terra had become. In 6691 the citizens of Wyze voted to change the name of their world to Carthage, the tenth such government to adopt the name of an enemy of old Rome.

On 20 October 6825, TOG invaded the Grizard System. After two months of resistance, the 40002nd Royal Marine Regiment and the 2091st Renegade Infantry Legion (The Ghosts Riders) were dug in, their forces scattered along the island chains, and in and around the capital city of Balyo. Leading the TOG invasion forces was the elite 3241st Strike Legion, supplemented by elements of a small infantry legion and the 300th Penal Auxilia.

The TOG forces hit Shembecker and the Roko Islands in their initial assaults. The battle for Shembecker lasted three months and cost the Commonwealth forces dearly. Eventually, the 40002nd Royal Marines evacuated to the Balyo Islands under a hail of Interceptor strafings and bombings. Meanwhile the TOG 300th Penal Auxilia managed to secure Cimi and to hold out until relieved by the 3241st in January 6827.

The 33241st took each of the Skik and Yantara islands and, by February 6827, had captured New Dave and Frodo, then turned to the Balyo Isles in April 6827. The assault plan was to drop three cohorts of TOG marines and the 300th Penal Auxilia onto the capital, while the 3241st struck from the nearby bay. It was hoped that the 300th would draw the fire of the island's space-defense system, allowing the TOG marines to land with little of no resistance, and that the speed of the attack would allow the 3241st to link up with the TOG marines.

The drops were mis-timed, and landing zones were missed. The Ghost Riders met the 3241st head to head in the open sea. The 3241st made landfall on Balyo six hours late, too late to help the 300th Penal Auxilia. General Spartivalcus had to decide whether to commit the 3241st to a final bloody assault. Despite the units reputation from Saguntum III, the general knew their losses in any further assault would be significant. Shattering another legion could result in Caesar losing confidence in Spartivalcus, reducing supplies and units to Shannedam.

On 1 May Spartivalcus ordered that the Balyo islands be destroyed from space. The 3241st was withdrawn to the surrounding seas while a TOG battleship squadron went into low orbit and began bombardment. Within minutes, the islands were a radioactive wasteland.

TOG established its military government in New Dave, and garrisoned Had, Eve, and Frodo. They also launched a massive monorail construction project between New Dave and Eve, linking the Yantara and the Skik chains. The project was completed in 6830, two years ahead of schedule.

The TOG navy also built a VLCA over Kujjan, but its construction was the object of sabotage by local guerrillas. The worst damage was caused by a corrosive paint applied to a portion of the outer hull plates, leading to slow disintegration of the hull's integrity. On 8 September 6859, the hull gave way, killing all but four personnel aboard the VLCA. It took millions of talents and more than a year to repair the damage.

The Commonwealth Intelligence network on Carthage X is active, and one of their greatest achievements was the smuggling off-world of vid-tape footage of the massacre of Balyo. Many units have painted the word "Balyo" on their vehicles, with a blood-red slash through it.

The Lictors have established a "Medical Facility" in the command center of New Dave, but it is believed to be the site of genetic experimentation on Naram. The facility maintains its own landing pad, requiring it to have little contact with the rest of the TOG command post. Even the garrison forces keep their distance from this obvious center of Lictor activity.

Planetary Timeline[]


Discovered and mapped.


Votes to join CW.


KessRith attack.


KessRith pull out to support battles elsewhere in the County.


Changed name from Wyse to Carthage X to show dislike of TOG.


Lictor campaign to generate xenophobia.


TOG attacks system.


Fighting reported (3241st TOG Strike Legion).


TOG finally takes Carthage X.


Blood Eagles split into three units. 272nd fighter group is assigned to defend Carthage X.