TOG ACADEMY: the Renegade Legion Wiki
Map CaesarsFolly

A Prefect-scale map of Caesar's Folly, created by user Christopher J. Smith.

Caesar's Folly has stunning oceans, beautiful inland seas, and soaring peaks. The world is 35 percent land, consisting of two major continents, Falleon and Falcon, and the Emerald Isles.

The world's mountains are home to several broad-winged avian species, it's largest native life form. More than five thousand varieties of birds live in these mountains. Some have wingspans greater than three meters and are carnivorous, preying on creatures up to the size of Humans. Most of the birds are, however, much smaller and definitely less dangerous.

Lake Gog, in the center of Falleon, is heated by volcanic passages close to the lake bottom. The water temperature is always above freezing, even when the surrounding air is bitterly cold. Due to the lake's size and warmth, squalls and water spouts are frequent along the shore, as the air warmed by the lake meets the colder air from the surrounding plains. Reinforced against these storms, the small fishing villages and communities along the lake look more like bunkers than houses.

The only mineral deposits of any kind are in the Emerald Isles just outside of Strike. Until the disruptions of the recent invasion, a small mining cartel worked them continuously for 200 years.

Early History[]

Initial surveys evaluated Syriph XX as ideal for settlement. Several petitions for colonization were granted, the two largest going to a religious sect, the Minions of Gog, and to a group of prospecting families.

By 4230 more than two million people were living in the two very different communities. The once-spacious continent suddenly seemed too small. As both groups pushed out to settle Falcon and the Emerald Isles, disputes erupted. The colonial Parliament, in which the Minions held a majority, pushed through heavy sanctions against those not of their faith.

The non-Minions tried to ask the Commonwealth for help, but their petitions never left Syriph XX. When rioting broke out, the leaders of the sect proclaimed a Holy War. Heavily armed religious fanatics overran the CAF garrison and executed most of its troops, then took to the streets to kill "the infidels."

When word of the upheaval finally leaked to the Commonwealth, it sent a Carrier Flotilla and three legions. In response, the Minions of Gog opted for mass suicide. By the time the legions landed, there were only a few hundred frightened survivors out of the millions who once lived on Syriph XX.

The disaster was one of the most brutal in recorded history, exceeded only by TOG's total destruction of Durmella and Trothas. The Commonwealth terminated the colonial charter, but allowed the handful of survivors to remain on Syriph XX. They grew into a community of several hundred thousand over the centuries.

The KessRith's arrival in 5030 carried the Snow Plague to the planet. The KessRith had assumed that Syriph XX was as devastated as the rest of the county. However, instead of sickened troops, the KessRith found an elite infantry legion dug in and fully ready for battle. The KessRith lost an armored legion within 36 hours, but the first signs of Plague began to show a week after their arrival. Soon Syriph XX was infected.

As the Human population on Syriph began to recover from the devastation of the Snow Plague, the KessRith created carefully hidden death camps to keep the number low. When the world's Baufrin and Humans finally learned of the camps in 6564, they stormed them and three KessRith command posts, releasing 45,000 condemned slaves and seizing weapons and vehicles.

With all possible reinforcements occupied elsewhere in the County, the KessRith garrison on Falcon dug in for a prolonged war against the rebels. However, without slaves to cultivate its fields and tend its herds, the garrison was soon short of basic foodstuffs and other supplies. After three months of near starvation, the KessRith garrison became its own death camp.

Syriph immediately applied for admission to the renewed Commonwealth, and gradually converted the KessRith cities to homes for a resurgent mankind and its allies. By the time peace had been made with the KessRith empire, Syriph XX was well on its way to becoming a major world in the Commonwealth community.

Recent Events[]

When TOG began its push into Shannedam County, Syriph XX was a crucial staging and resupply world in the county's defense. Security was tight, and so the Lictors had little success there. They were particularly misinformed about when the world was heavily garrisoned (with troops awaiting shipment to the front) and when it was not.

In spring of 6829, TOG's 6908th Carrier Patrol Squadron jumped into the system and secured a landing zone on Falcon. TOG believed that resistance would consist of two second-line legions, plus militia. Two legions, the 816th Strike Legion and the 9865th Infantry Legion, were dropped outside Nestle.

The 3131st Shock Legion was simultaneously targeted for Falconton, but it fell victim to the Commonwealth Navy and to a criminally inept tactical drop sequence. The drop commander was condemned in a posthumous court martial, and the 3131st survivors were absorbed into the 9865th. Its colors were returned to Thapsus, where it is currently being reformed.

In the middle of the Nestle landing, a sudden raid by the 90887th Renegade Battle Squadron lured away both the TOG carrier and the 816th's attached fighter wing. Before the ground forces could fully secure their landing zone, they were pummeled by three grav-equipped enemy legions. Both the 816th and the 9865th Infantry Legions were caught in a hellstorm of fire from the world's defenders. Retreating, the legions headed south, hoping to join forces with each other and the 3131st.

Two Renegade Legions encircled the 816th, however, while the 3344th B'ekkal Legion and Second ACR moved to block the 9865th. Caught between two enemy forces, the 816th dug in and waited for the 9865th to turn around and relieve them.

Skillful maneuvering allowed the TOG infantry legion to bypass the Commonwealth B'ekkal legion and throw their might against the Second ACR. The Second began a series of high-risk delays concentrated on the 9865th lead elements, blunting their advance and then withdrawing before the superior weight of the legion could be brought to bear. This action was costly, but it delayed the relief effort long enough to seal the doom of TOG's 816th. The ill-advised assault had been vanquished, and a joyous Parliament declared that Syriph XX would be henceforth be known as "Caesar's Folly."

In August of 6830, however, the 2108th TOG Strike Legion launched a daring second landing on Caesar's Folly. Two Manuses dropped onto Falleon's eastern coast, while a third seized Commonwealth facilities on the Emerald Isles. The 9865th simultaneously feinted at Falleon. The Commonwealth command was unable to coordinate an effective defense, but finally halted the TOG advance across Falleon at Lull and Lake Gog.

After three years of fighting, TOG controls half of the land, but 75 percent of the population is behind Commonwealth lines, those people grimly determined to defend their world.

Planetary Timeline[]


KessRith invade, bringing Snow Plague.


Rebels destroy KessRith death camp.


Two TOG legions surprised by three Renegade Legions.

Second ACR is assigned to 871st Renegade Strike Legion.

816th TOG Strike Legion split from 9865th TOG Infantry Legion and destroyed by RL forces.


TOG Attacks.


871st Renegade Strike Legion destroys 816th TOG Strike Legion.


2108th TOG Strike Legion attacks.