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A Batoidea in planetary orbit.
Overview and Design Philosophy[]
Aerospace combat is a crucial part of planetary invasions. Most of the weight lies on fighter craft which are able to engage in space as well as in atmosphere. To this end they are equipped with anti-grav drives or designed with streamlining right from the start. Though streamlining has more benefits than anti-grav drives in most cases even these fighters are not built to optimum aerodynamic efficiency.
While there are indeed aircraft designs being deployed on some planets those are only able to operate in atmosphere and thus lack the tactical flexibility of a true aerospace fighter. Though it has been generally assumed that this restriction is compensated by the crafts' very low acquisition costs JRCFOB commissioned a detailed evaluation of specific aerial combat parameters.
Results showed advantages some dedicated fighter aircraft have over normal aerospace craft in terms of manoeuverability in atmosphere. Of great importance is the faster angular velocity when performing certain manoeuvers. This means that the more agile craft is rather to outmanoeuver and get a faster target acquisition on an opponent. In space agility is dependent on thrust rating only and not on aerodynamics. In atmosphere advanced aerodynamics can be included in a design to give it an edge.
Joint Commonwealth / Renegade Fighter Operations Board (JCRFOB) assigned firms to bring in design proposals using the data gathered. Thus came the BATOIDEA, designed by TaBDB, into existence. It is named after a family of flat-bodied fish species of which some are bred for fancy food dishes on various planets. Word has it that the project's chief aerodynamicist, Gal Matityahu, who is a connoisseur of batoidea dishes, proposed the name which was accepted. This is in line with the companies preference to name their designs after animals. The BATOIDEA's stablemate is the SHRIKE heavy fighter.
Capabilities and Tactical Role[]
The BATOIDEA’s blended wing-fuselage design combined with LERXs, large control surfaces and flaps incorporates cutting edge aerodynamics. This concept enables it to be exceptionally agile in atmosphere. At the same time it is more than capable to perform any space-borne operations commonly assoiated with fighters of its class. such as recon, raids and interceptions.
For such a fast light fighter the Batoidea features better-than-average armor and shielding protection and an unusual armament configuration: it mounts a single 7.5/6 laser - the heaviest stinger of its kind that can be installed in a fighter - in order to provide good one-shot-kill potential to critically hit or destroy an opponent fast. Especially light enemy fighters might face a quick "Game over, man!". The absence of hardpoints was criticized though, a lack which leaves the craft without the protection of ECM equipment. The design company was quick to point out to the case of the aging Avenger heavy fighter which, in its most common configuration, lacks any hardpoints. Yet it still can stand its ground against most foes and has been a mainstay of the Commonwealth and Renegade Armed Forces. All-around protection benefitted from the omission of a hardpoint as well. Only time will tell how this supposed drawback will affect the Batoidea in a hostile environment with heavy ground-to-air missile fire.
But being engineers with foresight and in case of the Board insisting on portable ECMs TaBDB have a Batoidea modification up their sleeve which does add one hardpoint and mounts somewhat thinner sheets of armor at the sides and rear to equalize weight. Shield flicker rate would be somewhat less as well. The well-thought-out layout of the craft would make this only a minor tweak which could be incorporated into running production without disruption.
The high thrust variant addresses this issue by carrying 3 hardpoints under its wings and in its bow. This payload appears to be a bit on the light side but with an acceleration of 12 G the craft is blisteringly fast and surpassed only so by the TOG Arcubalista. The CAF would then have a fighter which could effectively intercept and fend off very fast enemy Lancea recon and raiding parties. It requires a special breed of pilots to get the most out of such a hot rod.
There seems to be no Kess'Rith variant planned despite their liking for fighters with strong laser armament. K-military recon squadrons consist of high-thrust variants of medium fighters most of the time, rather than of lightly-armed ultra-fast fighters. Their doctrine doesn't put emphasis on quick reconnaissance quite as much as other forces do. Oddly enough, another explanation might be that the bulkier cockpit dimensions required for Kess'Rith pilots would compromise the delicate aerodynamic layout of the craft.
TaBDB face some stern competition from other firms which brought in their own proposals. Trials on all the prototype designs involved have not been completed yet. Though the decision of the Board on which will become the new light fighter remains to be seen the rumor is that the Batoidea's innovative conception and quality have put it at the forefront of the competing designs.