TOG ACADEMY: the Renegade Legion Wiki
Badge 3032nd

The unit badge of the 3032nd is a blue starburst behind a stylized planet on a black field.

SOL RL Carthage

RLS Connor

SOL RL Valiant

RLS Pride of Orion

SOL RL Valiant

RLS Fearsome


RLS N´Cath Co M'mn (Shining Fury)


RLS Antietam

SOL RL Mound
SOL RL Mound
SOL RL Mound
SOL RL Mound
SOL RL Mound
SOL RL Mound

6 x Mound-class transport (attached)

Motto: "Honos invitum sequitur."

("Honour follows the unwilling.")[1]


The 3032nd Carrier Patrol Squadron is a Renegade cruiser squadron led by Commodore Archibald Douglass. Usually tasked with system patrols, in 6819 the squadron was taken off its assigned duty and ordered to Gustaviv's Regret to relieve the embattled 43120th Renegade Defense Squadron that was trying to contest TOG naval superiority in the system.


The 3032nd appears in the following scenario:



Commodore Archibald Douglass (Squadron commander, RLS Connor)[]

(Leadership Rating: 3)

As evidenced by his decision to enter the Gustaviv's Regret system almost on top of the fighting zone - a dangerous manoeuver that could have resulted in disaster if some of the ships under his command missed their entry co-ordinates and ran into each other - Commodore Douglass is a spirited and daring (some would say, reckless) commander. He was overheard quipping that he would "take the cost of repairs out of the pay of any captain who has a collision".


Captain Shak´Marrarh (RLS N'Cath Co M'mn)[]

The KessRith captain of RLS N'Cath Co M'mn sacrificed his ship in the second large Naval battle for Gustaviv's Regret, ramming the TOG battlecruiser INS Temerarius to save the 3032nd´s flagship.


Captain Jennette Forre (RLS Antietam)[]

Forre fought her ship well in the battle of Gustaviv's Regret, defeating the Bantha-class frigate INS Percussor with minimal help from the RLS Pride of Orion. She provides the introductory text to the Relief Fleet scenario in the Distant Fire scenario book.



In 6819, when it relieved the embattled 43120th at second battle of Gustaviv´s Regret described in Distant Fire, the 3032nd was comprised of the following ships:

SOL RL Carthage
SOL RL Valiant
SOL RL Valiant
RLS Connor RLS Pride of Orion RLS Fearsome RLS N'Cath Co M'mn RLS Antietam
Carthage-class cruiser (CA) Valiant-class frigate (FG) Valiant-class frigate (FG) Ajax-class destroyer (DD) Ajax-class destroyer (DD)
Commodore Archibald Douglass Captain´s name not given Captain´s name not given Captain Shak´Marrarh Captain Jennette Forre
Fighter RL Petal squadron
Fighter RL Petal squadron
Fighter RL Petal squadron
Fighter RL Petal squadron
Fighter RL Avenger squadron
Fighter RL Avenger squadron
Fighter RL Avenger squadron
Fighter RL Avenger squadron
Fighter RL Penetrator squad
Fighter RL Penetrator squad
Fighter RL Penetrator squad
Fighter RL Penetrator squad
Fighter RL Guardian squadron
Fighter RL Guardian squadron
Fighter RL Guardian squadron
Fighter RL Guardian squadron
Fighter RL Penetrator squad
Fighter RL Penetrator squad
Fighter RL Penetrator squad
Fighter RL Penetrator squad
Fighter RL Cheetah squadron
Fighter RL Cheetah squadron
Fighter RL Cheetah squadron
Fighter RL Cheetah squadron
Fighter RL SpaceGull squadr
Fighter RL SpaceGull squadr
Fighter RL SpaceGull squadr
Fighter RL SpaceGull squadr
Fighter RL Cheetah squadron
Fighter RL Ventura squadron
24 Fluttering Petal heavy fighters (1 flight) 24 Avenger heavy fighters (1 flight) 24 Penetrator medium fighters (1 flight) 24 Guardian light fighters (1 flight) 24 Penetrator medium fighters (1 flight) 24 Cheetah light fighters (1 flight) 24 Space Gull medium fighters (1 flight) 6 Cheetah light fighters (1 squadron) 6 Ventura light fighters (1 squadron)

Attached units[]

In 6819, at the second battle of Gustaviv´s Regret described in Distant Fire, the 3032nd received an attached squadron of transport vessels carrying grav-armoured relief troops for the ground defenders of the planet :

SOL RL Mound
SOL RL Mound
SOL RL Mound
SOL RL Mound
SOL RL Mound
SOL RL Mound
Ship name not given Ship name not given Ship name not given Ship name not given Ship name not given Ship name not given
Mound-class transport Mound-class transport Mound-class transport Mound-class transport Mound-class transport Mound-class transport
Captain´s name not given Captain´s name not given Captain´s name not given Captain´s name not given Captain´s name not given Captain´s name not given


  1. No unit badge and motto is given in canon material; motto and badge are fan-created content.